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New Decatur Library Exhibit Now Open

Draw­ing by R. Gre­go­ry Christie with event dates and times listed
Did you know the fourth floor of the Decatur Library hosts a range of gallery shows through­out the year? Cur­rent­ly show­ing:​“Look and See: Orig­i­nal Art­work by Local Illus­tra­tors with Their Pub­lished Books,” pre­sent­ed by SCB­WI South­ern Breeze, Decatur Library, and the Geor­gia Cen­ter for the Book. The show, fea­tur­ing art­work by sev­er­al major chil­dren’s book illus­tra­tors, is on dis­play from March 6 – April 4, 2025.

The exhib­it is open to the pub­lic on Thurs­days, Fri­days, and Sat­ur­days, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.* Fea­tured artists include Bon­nie Bright, R. Gre­go­ry Christie, Lau­ra Free­man, TeMi­ka Grooms, Mike Wim­mer, and Jime Wimmer.

*Closed to the pub­lic on Sat­ur­day, March 29 for a pri­vate conference.