Due to poor road con­di­tions from the win­ter storm, all loca­tions will be closed on Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 22.

Literacy Outreach

Lit­er­a­cy Ser­vices includes many pro­grams out­side the library build­ings.

Project Hori­zons—We have a long-stand­ing pres­ence in many of the home­less shel­ters in the coun­ty where we work with chil­dren and their par­ents. We stim­u­late ear­ly lit­er­a­cy skills, offer home­work help and free books, help par­ents find ways to inter­act with their chil­dren that pro­mote good read­ing habits and encour­age stu­dents to stay in school. This pro­gram has been active for over twen­ty years.

Project REAP—Is a ten year effort to con­nect with immi­grants and refugee fam­i­lies to pro­mote lit­er­a­cy skills, learn­ing Eng­lish, and becom­ing more aware of what our pub­lic library offers them.
Often peo­ple from oth­er cul­tures are unaware of the vast array of pub­lic library pro­grams and mate­ri­als. Work­ing with the whole fam­i­ly ensures that adults and chil­dren have this expe­ri­ence as well as the plea­sure of shar­ing it togeth­er.

Health Lit­er­a­cyDCPL lit­er­a­cy facil­i­ta­tors have recent­ly start­ed read­ing with young chil­dren for sev­er­al hours a week in some DeKalb Board of Health clin­ics. That, along with a month­ly vis­it from our Library Take Out facil­i­ta­tor to do remote card sign up and demon­strate the Library’s web page with its many resources includ­ing a num­ber of free data­bas­es, is help­ing reach new­com­ers to our area as well as pre­vi­ous­ly unserved library patrons.

For more infor­ma­tion, please call the Lit­er­a­cy Ser­vices Office at 404.508.7190, ext. 2248.